The WSRA Trustees met on Monday 12th September via TEAMS. Amongst the items discussed were:
- Minutes of the Previous meeting – on 16th August were approved and are available for members to view in the members section of this website.
- WSRA Steam and Vintage Rally – Although final figures are not yet available, Trustees noted with pleasure the success of the rally, with increased footfall and profits and extended their thanks to the organising team and everyone who helped to make it such a success.
- Rolling stock agreements – Trustees noted that a Heads of Terms for these agreements had been agreed between the WSRA General Manager and the WSR PLC General Manager and that this should facilitate progress to full agreements for board sign off.
- Locomotive 4561 – Trustees were pleased to note that the wheels will be returned shortly and that plans are in place to increase the pace of work, with monthly meetings to assess progress.
- Governance – Trustees noted the work in progress on WSRA policies and signed off a Conservation Policy, subject to appendices and AGM votes.
- WSRA AGM – Final arrangements were discussed and confirmed for the WSRA AGM on 24 September at 14:00hrs.
- WSR PLC AGM – as a major shareholder, WSRA Trustees considered the documents presented and discussed their formal directions on voting to Geoff Garfield who will attend as the WSRA’s representative.