Your Charity
Your Heritage
Your Community

The West Somerset Railway Association belongs to the members.

Simply by joining the WSRA, and renewing your subscription each year, you will be directly supporting the heritage and sustainability of the West Somerset Railway.

All members have the right to attend and vote at WSRA general meetings. Members receive a copy of the WSR Journal four times a year, a periodic e-newsletter and a  discount off the full price of travel, courtesy of the WSR PLC. There are also discounts available at some of the retail outlets on the West Somerset Railway.

When you join the Association the choice is entirely yours – you can simply keep in touch with events by reading the WSR Journal and newsletter and visiting the line from time to time, or you can become actively involved with the WSRA.

How you can become a member

Membership Fees from January 2025

WSRA Membership Fees for 2025 are listed below.  In line with the rest of the West Somerset Railway and many other organisations, Senior Memberships have been phased out and a new non-volunteer Digital Membership has been introduced.

Membership fees now are:

Adult (aged 16 and over) £29

Adult Couple* £43

Family* (2 adults and up to 4 named children under 16) £60

WSR working volunteer with current HOPS ID card**  £18

Non-Volunteer Digital membership** £22

* joint members must share address and contact details
** WSR volunteer memberships and Non-Volunteer Digital Memberships  DO NOT INCLUDE MAILED JOURNALS.  Access to an electronic version of the Journal will be available. A valid email address must be provided  and all communications will be electronic.   At the moment we will continue to supply paper membership cards, but we are looking to phase these out as soon as possible.

Ways to Join or Renew your membership

It’s easy to join or renew your membership:

  • Complete the online application / renewal form and pay via paypal.
  • You can even opt for future renewals to be automatic via paypal, saving you the time and effort each year.
  • Complete the online application / renewal form but choose to pay via BACS.  Your application will be processed when payment is confirmed via our bank.

Please allow us 28 days to process your membership application.  Under the UK distance selling regulations, you have fourteen days from the receipt of your membership card to cancel, with no obligation.  We do hope you won’t!

Membership Application Form 2025

WSR Journal

The WSR Journal supports the West Somerset Railway, by publishing accurate and up to date information to inform members and generate enthusiasm and support.

Today’s glossy colour journal started life as a simple newsletter, printed in-house and sent out to keep members up to date with what was happening on the railway.

Since 1978 the WSRA has published a colour Journal 4 times each year, packed full with articles and photographs to keep members up to date with developments on the West Somerset Railway.

The Journal is mailed out to members and is also available to purchase in the Bishops Lydeard Station Shop.  WSR Working Volunteer members have access to an online version of the Journal.

Over the years there have been six different editors and the Journal has won several awards. 

In September 2017 Ian Coleby took over as Journal Editor, and the editorial ‘team’ concept was further expanded with the introduction  of an official deputy editor as well as a technical photo editor and several sub-editors and proof readers.

All the editorial team are volunteers.

Journal Archive

The WSRA holds Archive copies of all issues of the Journal from January 1978 onwards and also of the preceeding newsletter.

Digital Journal Archives from Issue 155 onwards are available in the members area of this website.

Submissions for publication are welcomed, as are advertisements from local and heritage businesses.  Publication is at the discretion of the editorial team. By submitting articles and photographs you accept that they may be edited as considered necessary and confirm that you hold the necessary publication rights.

WSRA Members’ Area

Please log in to access the members’ area.

If you are a WSRA member but have not yet registered for access to the members area of this website please complete the log-in request form below and details will be emailed to you as soon as your log-in is activated.

If you’d like to join the WSRA you can do so HERE


  • Members Area Application

    To view the private member’s section please complete this simple registration form, you will then be notified shortly by our Membership Secretary that your registration has been activated.
  • Needed to verify your membership
  • Choose a username for this website
  • Strength indicator
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.