The WSRA Trustees met on Monday 09 December by TEAMS.  Amongst the items discussed were:

    • Previous Meeting – The minutes of the previous meeting on 11 November were approved as an accurate record and are available for members to read in the members area of this website.
    • WSRA Trustees – Trustees were disappointed and concerned to hear that Andrew Horner, Will Foster and Ian Harrison had resigned as Trustees.
    • Website and Publicity – Trustees confirmed that the practice of publishing a synopsis of each board meeting followed by making the agreed minutes of the previous meeting available to members should continue. It was also confirmed by all Trustees that their email addresses should remain on the website.
    • WSRA Locomotives –
        • 80064 – the boiler has been lifted off the frames and the cladding removed.
        • 4561 – It has been agreed that volunteers at Minehead will fabricate new water tanks for the locomotive.