Following the AGM, two trustees decided that they wished to step down from the WSRA Board. They are Di Ricketts-Tanner and Barrie Childs.

Trustees wish to publicly thank Di and Barrie for their work on the board, and wish them well for the future. We are delighted that both have expressed a willingness to carry on with some WSRA projects, and gratefully accept their offers.

Di will continue with the work she has started to liase with Southampton University on investigating the suitability of Norton fields for a carriage shed, while Barrie will finalise arrangements with Taunton Station, for the installation of Clive Goddard’s locomotive model, together with WSR publicity material

Trustees have also agreed to co-opt Will Foster on to the board. Will, who has previously served as a trustee, is an accountant, and will focus on supporting the finance committee. He volunteers on the railway as a TTI.

We are keen to start some succession planning for trustee positions, and have discussed the creation of the post of “apprentice trustee”. This would allow an interested person to understand what a trustee does, as well as helping to understand the challenges of supporting a heritage railway and the benefits and constraints of a charity. The role would offer attendance at our meetings, mentoring, and the opportunity to volunteer to support WSRA work. It is a real opportunity for any volunteer interested in a leadership role within the heritage railway sector. Any interested member should contact either Jacquie Green, General Manager or Geoff Garfield, Chair of Trustees, for an informal discussion.