The WSRA AGM is fast approaching (24th September 2023). Each year certain Trustees retire or stand for re-election in accordance with our Memorandum and Articles of Association. The maximum length of continuous service for a Trustee is 9 years, however, Trustees can serve for a maximum period of 3 years before presenting themselves for re-election.
Trustees have a responsibility to act collectively to fulfil their duties and have to act in the best interests of the Charity.
To be effective a board of trustees should be able to draw on a diverse range of skills, knowledge, qualities and experience which help it fulfil its roles and best serve the Charity. These might include:
- ‘hard’ skills such as legal or financial knowledge, and knowledge of principles and processes in equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI)
- ‘soft’ skills such as team working or negotiation
- knowledge of the community the Charity serves or the services the organisation provides to fulfil its objectives and serve for the public benefit
- personal lived experience of, in the instance of the WSRA, the West Somerset Railway
- be a member of the WSRA.
YOU don’t have to have all of these skills, indeed there are lots of others, but please consider supporting the WSRA, your Charity, by becoming a Trustee.
YOU are invited to come along and meet the existing Trustees at 7.30pm on Monday 14th August at the Brendon Room, Williton Pavillion, TA4 4PG or request an invite to meet with them by Microsoft Teams.
YOU are also welcome to make contact with any of us by email. Contact details on the About Page of this web-site.
Geoff Garfield
WSRA Chair of Trustees