The WSRA Trustees met on Monday 8 April in Williton and by TEAMS.  Amongst the items discussed were:

  • Previous Meeting – The minutes of the previous meeting on 11 March were approved as an accurate record, with one amendment.
  • Governance – Four new and/or updated policies were agreed by the board and will be published asap. These are Social Media Policy Data Protection Policy, Handling of DBS information Policy and ‘Being a Trustee’ Policy.
  • Rolling Stock – Trustees were pleased to note that long-term hire agreements had been signed with the WSR PLC for MK1 carriages and the QB set.
  • WSR volunteer support – Trustees were pleased to note that the WSRA owned brushcutter used by the volunteer Pway gang had been replaced with a new and updated model.
  • WSR Fundraising – Trustees authorised JAG to go ahead with designing a joint fundraising campaign with the PLC for the DMU with a target spend of £80k. The agreed funding breakdown to be £20k funded by the PLC, £20k by the WSRA and £40k from fundraising.
  • Fundraising and Finance – Trustees agreed an additional meeting to consider major project budgets, finance and fundraising.