The WSRA Trustees met on Monday 14 August in Williton.  Amongst the items discussed were:


  • Minutes of the Previous meeting on 10 July were approved.
  • Steam and Vintage Rally – Trustees were pleased to note that the rally had been a success, despite the inclement weather on the Saturday. It is too early for figures to be available, but the rally is expected to generate additional funds for the WSRA.  Further details will be available in due course.
  • 4561 progress – Jeff Price presented progress papers to the board including an update on the tendering process for the overhaul of the boiler.  It was agreed to delegate day to day work and discussions on Locomotive Restoration to a subgroup.  All group meetings to be minuted and the minutes and related papers available to the board.  The Group to initially consist of Trustee Jeff Price as Project Lead, together with Trustee Edward Martin, Jacquie Green as WSRA GM and Brian Lee as Lead Engineering Advisor.  Others may be asked to join the group as required.
  • Grant Applications – Trustees were pleased to approve grant applications for funding for materials to replace the timber bodywork for GWR Fruit C no.2823 and also for Crossing gate Target Discs for BA and WN. Both projects will be completed by volunteer labour.
  • King Charles Model Locomotive – Trustees were pleased to note that Barrie Childs had met with the GWR Taunton Station Manager and it has been agreed that GWR will supply a display case for the model locomotive, made and donated by WSR volunteer Clive Goddard.  The WSRA will have an adjacent display on TN station, which Barrie offered to maintain.
  • WSRA AGM – The annual accounts for the financial year 2022-2023 were signed by the Trustees and arrangements for the AGM on Saturday 23 September were discussed. Trustees noted that nominations for Trustee close at 17:00hrs on Thursday 24 August and must be received either by email or hard copy before the closing date.