The West Somerset Railway Association are delighted that their Journal has won the prestigious Heritage Railway Association 2022 award for best internal communications.

This means that the Journal has been recognised as the top members’ magazine in the sector, which includes more than 150 operational heritage railways.

The award was presented by railway TV personality Tim Dunn to Ian Coleby and Keith Smith at the HRA annual awards dinner in Birmingham.

Ian Coleby said: “We are very pleased to have this recognition for the WSRA Journal. It is a collective effort not only by the editorial team of myself, Keith Smith, Ian Tabrett, Allan Stanistreet and Nigel Power, but also by those across the entire railway who submit their pictures and articles for publication.

“We are very grateful to them all. We consider the Journal to be the glue that binds the various groups on the West Somerset Railway together and helps foster enthusiasm and motivation among the railway family.”

Association General Manager Jacquie Green commented: “. The Journal has been an important part of railway communications since the 1970s and the WSRA is grateful to the current team for continuing that tradition in superb style. This award is a fitting accolade for all their hard work”

The Journal is published four times a year and carries news, topical pictures and articles about the West Somerset Railway.  It is sent free to members of the WSRA and is sold to the public through the railway outlets.