The year 2021 marks 50 years of the WSRA supporting the railway and we think that’s worth celebrating.

The Trustees have agreed to extend the  FREE membership offer for working volunteers right up until the end of 2021.  The offer is for 1 year’s complementary memberships for all working volunteers on the railway who are not yet WSRA members.  Simply submit a photograph of yourself volunteering on the railway during 2021, and claim a year’s FREE Working Volunteer membership of the WSRA.  The volunteering work you demonstrate in your photograph can be anything that supports the West Somerset Railway, so gardening, signalling, catering, admin etc are all good.

If you’re already a working volunteer member please encourage your colleagues to JOIN US – why not offer to take their volunteering photograph and get them started.

How to claim your FREE year’s membership?

Go to the membership page on this website  and complete the membership application, making sure that you choose FREE VOLUNTEER OFFER under membership type and follow the photo upload  instructions.

Full terms and conditions of this offer are on the website.

Welcome to the WSRA