The WSRA are pleased to announce that they have appointed two Community Engagement Coordinators: Robin Wichard and Ray Blezard.
Over the coming months they will be working closely with station leads, station staff, other railway staff and volunteers to progress and deliver this exciting project.
They will be working hard to highlight local walks, organise guided walks and develop self-guided walks. They will be seeking to engage with the communities along the line, highlighting the cultural and social heritage of the West Somerset Railway and demonstrating that the railway offers something for everyone. They will be working hard to develop information about and interest in the stations along the line, using leaflets, notice boards and web-based materials. They will be liaising with all those who already work so hard to make WSR the wonderful railway that it is. Their contact details can be found HERE
This project, delivered by the WSRA, has the support of both the WSR Plc and the WSRHT.
There will be regular updates regarding the project throughout the rest of this year.
Geoff Garfield, WSRA Chair –
17th June 2023

Robin Wichard says “The West Somerset Railway plays a major role in the economy of West Somerset and is integral to the social and economic history of the area. Engaging with our local communities helps to keep that shared heritage alive and, while informing and involving people in the railway, it also keeps the railway alive. I am very excited by this project and look forward to working closely with fellow coordinator Ray Blezard over the coming months.”

Ray Blezard says “The railway has been a part of the economic and social history of West Somerset for over 150 years, and has developed a rich heritage.In its modern form, as the West Somerset Railway, it still has a very important role to play in the local economy, and in engaging with the communities along the line. I am excited to be working alongside Robin Wichard to help deliver this project and ensure its success”.