A problem was found when the second piston rod was set up for machining. In the picture it is shown with a square standing on the piston head. You will notice that while the bottom of the square is in contact with the piston rod, above this there is a tapering gap between the rod and the rest of the square. This indicates that the piston head is not square to the piston rod as it should be.

It is not known how or what caused this situation but for future safety the decision has been made to replace both the piston rod and piston head for which quotations are being obtained pending approval to place the necessary orders.

Work has progressed in aligning the cylinder slide bars which have now been finally fitted with the requisite bronze packing pieces fitted between the fronts of the bars and the rear cylinder covers and also between each slide bar and its companion slide bar bracket.

Work has continued machining the new cylinder cock castings. The photo. shows how each casting is mounted in a lathe to enable the machining of centre section, which will house the actual valve when fitted. Each of the six cock castings is being machined stage by stage for conformity and to ensure that each is dealt with in the same manner where any awkward setting up is needed.