Ryan has made good progress with fitting the horn stays. This photo shows the RL Horn with its stay as fitted. The upright mating faces of the horn block and  horn stay are machined at an angle of 2 degrees from the vertical such that when the retaining nuts are tightened these faces become the register for locating the stay. A gap is left between the bottom horizontal face of the horn block and the matching face of the stay. This allows for adjustment when 4561 is in service should a stay show any signs of loosening under the pounding this part of the main frames have to sustain when the locomotive is working.

This photo shows how the upright faces of the stay are machined. The normally vertical spindle of the milling machine has been set over at the 2 degree angle to cut the stay face as it is traversed past the cutter. This is a separate operation for each of the 4 upright faces of the stay.

Here we can see the other 4 horn stays which, having been fitted and marked for each of their particular locations, have been put to one side pending the next operation. So far these stays have been fitted using one stud in each horn block but to complete the installation a second stud is required in each horn block,  i.e. a further 12 studs have to be made and fitted.