There has been a lull in progress over the last couple of weeks owing to other priorities in Williton Works taking up Ryan Pope’s time. However volunteers John Ayres and Ray Rolt are making steady progress with screw cutting the horn stay studs and their final fitting. This photo shows the Left Driving horn blocks and studs being fitted – these may be compared with the blank studs previously seen in the update of 25th September.
Now here’s a challenge for you. There are many parts of 4561 still to be refurbished which you could help with. This photo shows some of the plate and pipework awaiting attention. Ryan would like a couple of extra volunteers to work as a team to sort out and clean the parts on hand so that they can be examined to determine what refurbishing work is needed. No particular skills are needed but you could learn as you go along and have the satisfaction of making a contribution to this Association project.
To find out more about helping with the 4561 project contact Ryan Pope at ryan.pope@wsrestoration and if you’re new to volunteering on the West Somerset Railway, please email to find out more.